Artsakh President sends cogratulatory message on Artsakh Revival Day

On 20 February President Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory address on the Artsakh Revival Day, Presidential Office informed Hayern aysor.

The address runs as follows:

“Dear compatriots!

On behalf of the Artsakh authorities and personally myself I extend the most heartfelt congratulations to you on the Artsakh Revival Day.

30 years have passed since the day when our people stood up jointly and unanimously, voicing their determination to struggle for human rights protection. This was a peaceful and just demand, to which Azerbaijan responded with massacres and brutal deportations of the Armenian population from Baku, Sumgait and other places, thousands of people fell victims of that criminal policy.

This unequal and bloody war imposed on by Azerbaijan forged our people’s will even more, united the entire Armenian nation around the cause of defending our ancestral land and becoming its true masters. Due to this unity and consolidation, our people’s patriotism and freedom-loving spirit we were able not only to deter the unrestrained opponent but also to mark great victories.

And today, 30 years later, we can proudly claim that our people chose the right path, that there was no alternative. Together with our sisters and brothers from Mother Armenia and the Diaspora we heroically defended our Fatherland, restored the ruined economy and created a firm basis for its development. The Defense Army was formed, which has been the guarantor of stability and peace not only of our country but the entire region as well. A new generation, for whom the freedom and independence of the Motherland are cherished and exclusive values, was born and raised.

Dear friends,

I am more than convinced that our people will translate into reality all their goals and aspirations.

I once again congratulate all of us on this most significant public holiday, wish peace and great success to our Homeland and its people”.

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