Glendale-Armenian students join pan-Armenian movement (photos)

Hayern Aysor presents the photos sent by the students of Glendale’s Davidian & Mariamian Educational Foundation, who have joined the “What are YOU doing for Karabakh?” pan-Armenian movement of the RA Ministry of Diaspora. The photos show the students of the branches of the Foundation in four cities.

The Foundation was established in 1987 by alumni of the Kushesh Davidian & Mariamian Educational Foundation of Iran, who decided to organize Armenian language courses to help Diaspora Armenian children preserve their Armenian identity and promote national preservation.

Currently, the Davidian & Mariamian Educational Foundation has 24 branches in various cities across the United States, the largest of which is the branch in Glendale. The President of the Educational Foundation is Vahik Satoorian, and the Principal is Ofelia Satoorian.

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