Kindness will save the world
They say benevolence only has three ��?angles’, just like a triangle. Those angles are the person who helps unconditionally and doesn’t expect to be appreciated, the person who is unconditional need and has lost his mind from despair and God, who sees all that and evaluates it.
I know that citizen of the Kazakh city of Oral (Uralsk) Alexander Sergey Matevosyan isn’t expecting my gratitude. He did what he did because he is the type of person who can’t turn a cheek to his compatriot in need of help, but I consider it my duty to tell the story and express gratitude to the person for the money he spent, the efforts he made and his generosity and heartfelt attitude at least a couple of days later.
I am probably neither the first nor the last to extend a helping hand to our compatriot, Sasha Matevosyan, and there are many people who remember him with gratitude, but as they say, each person will be held accountable to his or her soul.
It so happened that my search for a job abroad first led me to Russia and then to Kazakhstan, but I wasn’t lucky here. Not only was I not able to help my family in Mkhchyan, but I also didn’t have any money to return home. In addition, due to a visa regime violation, the court ruled that I had to leave the country in a week. I had lost my mind.
Expecting help from Armenia was unrealistic. My wife was barely making ends meet to take care of the expenses to feed my two children and buy medicine for my younger child suffering from child paralysis. At that moment, I thought of the local Armenian community. With the help of the “Uraratu” Armenian Cultural Center of Aktobe, I found Alexander Matevosyan, and he came to the rescue. Only he knows what it cost to help me, but he not only solved my problems with documentation legally and purchased a ticket for me, but also took care of all my problems with returning home that were emerging one after another. Contrary to my desire, my flight was postponed, and I found out that all planes flying to Yerevan were flying once a week, and the date of the court ruling was about to expire…I basically caused a lot of trouble for my compatriots, but they didn’t complain and helped me with pleasure and generosity.
Today, it has already been over a month since I am at home with my family, and every time I remember my odyssey, my soul is filled with warmth. It’s so good that there are generous Armenians like Alexander Matevosyan, Hayk and Mher Terteryan in the world who are ready to extend a helping hand to their compatriots unconditionally. At this moment, I want to say the following:
– Holy Father, support these people because they do good deeds and because they follow your commandments and don’t turn a cheek to people who rely on them when in need.
My deep gratitude and best wishes to you.
P.S.: Dear staff of Hayern Aysor, I know that all Armenians read your newspaper and learn about each other’s issues, problems and achievements. I ask you to print this letter as a token of appreciation of these pro-Armenian and disinterested people.
Arayik Mikayelyan
Mkhchyan, Armenia