Canadian-Armenian Garo Donoian paid heed to Diaspora Minister’s call

Canadian-Armenian Garo Donoian paid heed to the call of the RA Minister of Diaspora and is preparing to donate $9,000 dollars in an Armenian bank in the name of his three daughters.

Garo Donoian lives in Canada and last visited Armenia 20 years ago. This year, he, his wife and their three daughters are planning to spend their summer vacation in Armenia. Their daughters will be visiting Armenia for the first time and, as Garo Donoian says, they’re very excited about the trip to Armenia. The three girls attend the St. Hakob Armenian School in Canada.

Paying heed to the call that Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan made during the events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide in Canada, calling on Diaspora Armenians to invest in Armenian banks, the Canadian-Armenian is preparing to invest $9,000 dollars in Armenian banks in the name of each of his daughters.

“I know I’ll be making some kind of a contribution to Armenia’s economic development. My main purpose is to make an investment in the name of my children, which will also symbolically link us to the Homeland,” Donoian writes in his letter addressed to the Ministry of Diaspora.

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