
To Get Rid of ISIS, Turks Must First Get Rid of Erdogan

Turkey has not only refused to join

Nagorno Karabagh Republic: History and Current Realities

Following the collapse of the USSR, the

Worldwide Collaboration Required To Confront Pan-Armenian Crises

There has been a serious lack of

Armenia Scores High on Global Index: Perception vs. Reality

The latest report of The Human Freedom

Turkish analyst: Turkey’s perception of minorities as threat led to Armenian Genocide

There is an ongoing discrimination against the

The Huffington Post: Why Israel and Armenia should ‘adopt’ the Yazidis

The recent horrifying New York Times exposé on the

“If the situation in Syria normalizes, I won’t return there”

Hovhannes Ashjian, 47, Syrian Armenian who arrived

Turkey Pays CIA Director & Lobbyists To Misrepresent Attacks on Kurds & ISIS

Thousands of articles have been published worldwide

Nansen legacy lives on for Syrian refugees in Armenia

For Hovig Ashjian and his family, life

The 1915−1916 Armenian Genocide: An Ideology, Course and Consequences

The Canadian Centre for Research on Globalization

“Armenians in Vienna”. Popular cafe culture of city of Mozart, Beethoven and Strauss connected with Armenians

Vienna, the capital of the country with

Reflection on Ascending Light: Armenians triumph over death

Mary Hierholzer presents her thought on Michael

He didn’t know that he was Armenian…

I had heard a lot about Armenians

It’s Often Difficult to Distinguish Fact from Fiction on the Internet

It is ironic that in this modern
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