Communists of Turkey and the world: “We have not forgotten and will not forget the Armenian Genocide”

Eleven Communist organizations of Turkey and other parts of the world have issued a joint statement on the Armenia Genocide Centennial. According to Turkey’s, writes, the Communist Parties of Turkey and Greece, Brazil’s Revolutionary Front for the Protection of People’s Rights, Bolivia’s National Revolutionary Front, Chile’s Revolutionary Communists Union, the Communist Party of Ecuador and Red Sun Maoist Communist Group, the Marxist, Leninist and Maoist Revolutionary Group of the USA, the Communist Party of India and the Marxist, Leninist Proletariat Group of Morocco have declared the following:

“In the year marking the Armenian Genocide Centennial, we imprecate those who perpetrated the genocide. The perpetrators of the genocide can’t escape justice.”

In the statement, the organizations refer to the historical background of the Armenian Genocide and emphasize that the Turks are still hostile towards the Armenians today.

“The Turkish government is still hostile towards the Armenians. Evidence of that is the fact that the case of Armenian editor of Agos Weekly Hrant Dink, who was murdered on 19 January 2007, has not been revealed and that the criminals are concealed with care. The Turkish government doesn’t acknowledge the right of any ethnic minority living within the borders of its country to live. The Turkish government leads a discriminatory policy against not only the Armenians, but also the Lazs, the Cherkezs and the Greeks. We have not forgotten and will not forget the Armenian Genocide.”

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