First stage of 2013 “Ari Tun” Program ends with bonfire in Aghavnadzor

The solemn closing ceremony of the first stage of the 2013 “Ari Tun” Program was held in Aghavnadzor on June 28th.

The event was attended by RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan, RA Distinguished Artist, composer Ara Gevorgyan and writer, public and political figure Lilit Galstyan.

The participants of the “Ari Tun” Program greeted the guests with beautiful poems, songs and dances, and Tbilisi-Armenian Marina Shakhtinarova performed the Armenian song “Krunk” and touched the audience.

The singers of Haykazunk Group inspired the program participants with their patriotic songs and they all sang together.

RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan greeted the participants who had come to the homeland by paying heed to the call “ari tun” (come home) and voiced hope that they would become a “living” bridge between Armenia and the Diaspora. “I believe you saw and learned many things these past days. I hope you will take with you the love and warmth of the homeland to your respective communities and will inspire and convey strength to the Armenian youth living in your communities so that they also visit the homeland, participate in the program, become inspired and continue to preserve the Armenian identity and love Armenia.”

The evening ended with the traditional farewell ceremony near a bonfire with songs and dances.

Nearly 90 Diaspora Armenian youth from 10 countries participated in the first stage of the 2013 “Ari Tun” Program.

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