Creation of Pan-Armenian Council on agenda of Armenia-Diaspora Pan-Armenian Conference
From September 18 to 20, Yerevan will host the 6th Armenia-Diaspora Pan-Armenian Conference under the title “Mutual Trust, Unity and Responsibility”. Several issues concerning all Armenians will be considered during the conference.
During the conference, the task force for the creation of a Pan-Armenian Council and further enhancement of the Armenia-Diaspora partnership will hold a consultation.
“We are ready to consider the initiative with all of our partners during the conference,” Bryan Ardouny noted, according to Voice of America.
The importance of creating a permanent unified platform had been highlighted during the sessions of the State Commission on Coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and an organizing committee had been set up to carry out the activities in this direction back in 2015.
What reaction did this spark among Armenians in the Diaspora, particularly the Armenians in the United States of America?
According to Armenian American Levon Avdoyan, the creators of every such initiative must take into consideration the diversity of the Armenian Diaspora since that encompasses different features of the nation and different countries. According to him, clarifying the goals and functions of the pan-Armenian structure is very important for the effectiveness of the structure.
“Alongside all this, it is worth supporting any initiative that will strengthen the bonds between Armenia and different communities of the Diaspora,” Avdoyan said.
Armenian American writer Chris Bohjalian finds that, for the most part, Diaspora Armenians don’t sense all the difficulties that Armenia is facing. According to him, the engagement of Diaspora Armenians will provide the opportunity to become more familiar with all the issues and difficulties that citizens of Armenia face on a daily basis.
“The creation of such a council will not only make the voice of the Diaspora heard more, but will also make Diaspora Armenians become more familiar with all the issues that average citizens of Armenia face every day,” Bohjalian said.
The format of operation of the future structure remains unclear. The Armenia-Diaspora Conference serves as a good opportunity to make certain clarifications and become familiar with the approaches of various circles of Diaspora Armenians.