RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan congratulates Gladys Berejiklian

Dear Mrs. Berejiklian,
I felt ineffable joy and pride when we received news about your election as Premier of New South Wales.
It is with pleasure, warmth and great emotions of a compatriot that I congratulate you on being elected to this high, responsible and honorable office. I am glad that I have had the opportunity to get to know you personally and to understand that you have lived your life by not only receiving a higher and high-quality education and serving as a member of the Armenian National Committee, but also by having your worthy place and role in Australian politics. With your talent and unique ability to work with people, you have moved forward step-by-step, manifesting the features of a smart and intelligent state and political figure.
You represent the Armenian community of Australia, which gained the trust of the authorities and people of Australia a long time ago, as well as thanks to you and thanks to the diligence and dedication of the community and the contributions that it has made to the advancement of the country.
With your longstanding career as a legislator and government official of New South Wales, you keep the honor of the Armenians high as a worthy representative of the Armenian nation and the best citizen of the Australian Union.
You have also made invaluable contributions to the pro-national act of presenting the key issues of pan-national significance to the wide layers of society by speaking from different podiums. It is also through your direct efforts that New South Wales officially recognized the Armenian Genocide and acknowledged the just right of the people of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic to self-determination.
You represent the best image of a modern woman and political figure with your flexible mindset, best experience, diligence, purposefulness, as well as your modest and virtuous behavior.
As Mkhitar Gosh rightfully mentioned back in the 12th century, “Educated women are a gem for a society”. You truly are a real gem for the Australians and all Armenians, especially for the Armenian community of Australia.
Once again, I would like to congratulate you, wishing you endless strength and vigor to bear the difficult and responsible burden on your fragile shoulders and accomplish your mission for the development and advancement of Australia and New South Wales, for the reinforcement of the Armenian community and for the strengthening and development of the friendship between the two countries.
With love and kind wishes,