Day 7: Participants of “My Armenia” Pan-Armenian Festival performed in Ararat

On July 28, the Armenian dance companies of the Diaspora, which are participating in the 3rd “My Armenia” Pan-Armenian Festival, performed in the Armenian city of Ararat. The festival is organized by the RA Ministry of Diaspora and is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia.
Even the downpour didn’t stop the Armenian dance companies, including Garun Dance Company (Stavropol, Russian Federation), Nayiri Dance Company (Argentina), the Meghri Dance Company (USA), Nika Dance Company (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine),Tayk Dance Company (Estonia), Ani Dance Company (Gagra, Abkhazia) and Erebuni Dance Company (Minsk, Belarus) from performing at the amphitheater in Ararat.
Head of the community of Ararat Hayk Haykyan had sent a welcoming message to the participants of the 3rd “My Armenia” Pan-Armenian Festival, and the message was read by Chief of Staff of Ararat Municipality Karen Melkonyan.
“Thank you, dear compatriots for preserving Armenian culture, combat dances and national costumes and performing patriotic tasks to provide the young Armenians of the Diaspora with an Armenian upbringing and keeping the unwavering fighting spirit of the Armenians alive in any corner of the globe.
Ararat also has a nice tradition of hosting Diaspora Armenian children visiting Armenia through the “Ari Tun” Program. Every year, the citizens of Ararat gladly host dozens of Diaspora Armenian children who establish close ties with the host families in a short amount of time. They are always loved and cherished.
Thanks to this program, many Armenian families have established friendly ties with Armenian families abroad.
Dear compatriots, we citizens of Armenia are grateful to you for providing your support to the Mother Homeland in different corners of the globe and when necessary.
Welcome to Ararat.
I want you to take with you not only the warmth of the scorching sun in Armneia, but also the warmth of the hearts of us citizens of Ararat, which is also as warm as the sun,” Hayk Haykyan’s message reads, as reported Hayern Aysor.
The concert also included performances by Ararat’s Nayiri Dance Company (artistic director Meri Abrahamyan) and Ararat Dance Companies (artistic director Karine Rubinyan).
At the end of the concert, on behalf of the RA Ministry of Diaspora, chief expert of the Department of Relations with the Near Diaspora at the RA Ministry of Diaspora Hasmik Yeghiazaryan expressed gratitude to the municipal authorities and the audience for the cordial reception and granted letters of appreciation to the dance companies of the city of Ararat.