Thank you, Ministry of Diaspora! You became a new family for our children

Dear RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan and the entire staff of the Ministry,
Dear staff of the “Hayern Aysor” electronic newspaper of the RA Ministry of Diaspora, host families, many months and 15 happy and unforgettable days passed by, and you all became a new family for our children.
True, we always try to instill in them the idea of Armenia and the feeling of patriotism, but their participation in the “Ari Tun” Program has a totally different meaning. They had a different feeling on the native land and rediscovered Armenia.
The “Ari Tun” Program helped our children make new friends and enrich their knowledge of Armenian and Armenian history. They enjoyed your love and warmth.
True, we live far away, but Armenia is always in our minds and hearts. Our dream is to see the Armenian people live in peace and to see all young Armenians of the world unite around Armenia.
Thank you.
Yeghiazar Uzunyan (RA Honorary Consul in Plovdiv0
Derlmezyan Family
Tchamtchiyan Family
Shakaryan Family
Gevorgyan Family