Congratulatory message of RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan on the New Year and Christmas

My dear compatriots living far away from the Homeland, leaders of Armenian communities, members of structures and organizations,

I warmly and cordially wish you a Happy New Year. I also wish you success and happiness, and may all your dreams come true.

The year 2015 is going down in history. In Armenian history, the year 2015 will go down as the year of the thousands of events and initiatives that were dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide that helped unite and organize the entire nation to advance our struggle and present the issues related to the Armenian Cause to the world. Together with the more than 60 Armenian Genocide Centennial Regional Committees and organizations, under the leadership of the State Commission on Coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Armenia and under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Armenia, all Armenians around the world were able to prove to the world that when Armenians unite as one, they can move mountains. I would especially like to wish a Happy New Year to all the members of the regional committees and all the members of organizations that organized events, as well as individuals and benefactors for their dedication and large-scale national efforts.

For us Armenians, the year 2015 will serve as the foundation on which we will take the future steps for recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide and elimination of the consequences. We will always remember the major motto that we will continue to transmit to the future generations, and that motto is “I Remember and Demand”. We will demand until there is a solution to the Armenian Cause and until Turkey understands that it has no right to continue its current anti-Armenian policy of denial and falsification.

I believe that in 2016, we Armenians will work on advancing the issues of national concern in a more organized manner, with more motivation and with greater strength.

I believe that Armenians around the world want to see a strong and prosperous Armenia, and Armenia belongs to all Armenians around the world. Therefore, each of us needs to place a brick for the strengthening and reinforcement of Armenia.

I am certain that each of us wants to see Nagorno-Karabakh as a secure and protected country in 2016, and I am also certain that each of us will make his contribution to the peaceful and ultimate settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

I have no doubt that each of us cares for and thinks about the Armenians in Syria, who are trying to preserve the gene of the Armenians, the lives of Armenians, as well as Armenian schools and churches amid the war in Syria. I want Armenians abroad to unite as one and understand that, together with the Armenian State, we need to help the Syrian-Armenians in Armenia and Syria.

I know that all Armenians are in the homeland Armenia with heart , mind and soul and wait to hear only good news and news about good deeds.

Dear compatriots, together we can turn the year 2016 into our year, the year of the Armenians because in 2016, we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the two Armenian republics. On that glorious occasion, we need to take more actions and initiatives, be more united and try to keep the name and honor of all Armenians high in Armenia and all other parts of the world.

Happy New Year, my dear sisters and brothers, grandparents and children! I want all your dreams to come true, and I want you to feel proud to be Armenian, wherever you may be. I want young Armenians to study well and be literate and competitive so that everyone talks about them and recognizes them as Armenians. I love you all. I am proud of you, my dear compatriots, and I would first like to wish peace everywhere because if our region and our homeland are in peace, we will be able to do more things that need to be done for the sake of the Armenian nation and for the future of our country.

“And the New Year has opened its eyes

And has promised joy, joy and more joy.”

May your hearts and homes be filled with joy, dear compatriots!

Happy New Year and Christmas!

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