Diaspora Armenian teachers learning how to dance

The Armenian language courses and teacher training courses of the 2013 “Diaspora Summer School” Program continue at the Youth Center in Tsakhkadzor.

Alongside the Armenian language courses hosted by lecturers of Yerevan State University in Eastern Armenian and Western Armenian, the teachers are also learning Armenian songs and dances during lessons conducted by Director of Karin Folk Group Gagik Ginosyan.

As Gagik Ginosyan mentioned, Karin Folk Group is teaching Armenian song and dance to try to help Armenians shape the national image and restore their real type because, as Komitas said, dance is not only movement, but also a way of expressing a nation’s attributes, morals and showing how civilized a particular nation is.

Gagik Ginosyan urged the Diaspora Armenian teachers to carry out this mission, especially since they help Armenians abroad preserve their type, language and culture.

During the first lesson, the Diaspora Armenian teachers learned the Armenian “Gyond” and “Ververi” dances, after which they will try to learn the “Karno Kochari” dance.

Before teaching them the dances, Gagik Ginosyan introduced the Diaspora Armenian teachers to the origin and types of Armenian dance and talked about the significance of dance for Armenians.

The lessons were held in a nice atmosphere. Some teachers had trouble dancing to the beat, and as some of them said jokingly, they were no longer in their prime and didn’t have the vigor that they used to have. Despite their age and “complaints” about their health, everyone did their best to do whatever Gagik Ginosyan showed them to do.

After the lessons, the teachers were so excited that they didn’t even want the lessons to end.



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