RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan receives Lebanese delegation

RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan received the Lebanese delegation, which is in Armenia to participate in the launch of the Beirut-Yerevan-Beirut flight of Middle East Airlines.

In her speech, the RA Minister of Diaspora said: “Dear guests, the launch of this flight serves as a historic step in Armenian-Lebanese relations. I believe the suitability of means of transportation is very important for both sides. We must take into consideration the fact that this decision taken by Middle East Airlines was necessary for our compatriots living in Lebanon and Syria. The exploitation of such a flight will also help develop our two countries’ economies, particularly the sphere of tourism.”

Minister for Industry of Lebanon Vrej Sapounjian expressed his welcoming remarks during the event and said: “I would like to express my gratitude for the warm and sincere reception. Mrs. Hranush Hakobyan, your contribution to the development of Armenian-Lebanese relations is commendable and deserves appreciation. I would also like to thank Middle East Airlines and my Lebanese partners for attaching importance to and implementing this initiative.”

In his welcoming remarks, President of Middle East Airlines Mohammad El Hut particularly mentioned: “The Lebanese government has provided us with the opportunity to organize flights in 12 directions, and one of those flights is to Armenia. We have taken on a huge responsibility and must work to make sure that everyone is satisfied. With this flight, we’ll help passengers who have difficulties with reaching Armenia. I was very pleased to see that all the passengers of the first flight were Armenian and were singing Armenia’s national anthem as they landed in Armenia. It’s clear that this was more than I expected.”

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Lebanon to Armenia Jean Makaron, Armenia’s Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Lebanon Ashot Kocharyan, Head of ARF-D Lebanon Hovik Mkhitaryan, as well as deputies and other officials also expressed their views.


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